Impact factors

Image processing, graphics, and pattern recognition []

Thomson-Reuters Statistics Journal Rankings, June 2017 
JRSSB 4.61 
Annals of Stat 3.03
IEEE Inf Theory 2.68
Stat and Computing 2.05
JASA 2.02
Annals of Prob 1.94
Prob Theory Rel Fields 1.90
Statistical Science 1.88
Stat in Medicine 1.86
Biostatistics 1.80
Jour Comput Graphical Stat 1.74
CSDA 1.69
Annals of Appl Stat 1.58
Technometrics 1.54
Environmetrics 1.53
Annals of Appl Prob 1.51
Bayesian Analysis 1.46
Biometrika 1.45
SIAM Jour Control Opt 1.45
Biometrics 1.33
TEST 1.27
Spatial Stat 1.18
Bernoulli 1.07
Annals of Instt Stat Math 1.05
Econometric Theory 1.01
Adv Appl Prob 0.96
Scand J Stat 0.91
Elecr Jour Prob 0.904
Jour Mult Analysis 0.90
Stat Sinica 0.899
Electr Jour Stat 0.87
JSPI 0.86
Jour Theoret Prob 0.85
Statistics 0.81
Jour Stat Comput Simul 0.76
Jour Appl Prob 0.75
Austr New Zealand J Stat 0.68
Canadian J Stat 0.66
Metrika 0.64
Electr Jour Combinat 0.543
Stat Prob Letters 0.54
Kybernetika 0.38