Most of Hero’s publications are found on this personal homepage.
Journals, Conferences, Technical Reports
Selected Presentations
Reproducible Papers
Our lab subscribes to the reproducible research (RR) movement. Because we understand and appreciate the benefits that may be gained by creating reproducible research, we have committed ourselves to maintaining individual web pages which contain papers, together with the code and data used to generate all results found in the papers. The inspiration for our stance on reproducible research comes in part from the Audiovisual Communications Laboratory (LCAV) at EPFL’s RR webpage.
The motivation for creating reproducible research is simple: so that we and others may reproduce the very same results found in our research papers. The main advantages of adopting RR in our lab are twofold.
- RR will help our community by allowing for easy access of our code and data; this will ease the burden on a researcher interested in comparing her results with ours.
- RR will help us in establishing a record of previous research, facilitating in the extension of previous results as well as in the maturation our work. The research maintained on the RR webpages will aid significantly in the task of comparing results (e.g. from an early version of the same paper to a later one, or when comparing multiple methods).
For more discussion on RR, we refer you to Jon Claerbout and his research group at Stanford University.
- “Particle Filtering for Slice-to-Volume Motion Correction in EPI Based Functional MRI,” Yu-Hui Chen, Roni Mittelman, Boklye Kim, Charles Meyer, Alfred Hero, International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing 2016.
- “Robust Kronecker Product PCA for Spatio-Temporal Covariance Estimation,” Kristjan Greenewald, Alfred O Hero III, “Robust Kronecker Product PCA for Spatio-Temporal Covariance Estimation” arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.1352, 2015.
- “Semi-supervised multi-sensor classification via Consensus-based Multi-view Maximum Entropy Discrimination,” Tianpei Xie, Nasser Nasrabadi, Alfred Hero, ICASSP 2015
- Taposh Banerjee, Hamed Firouzi and Alfred O Hero, “Quickest Detection for Changes in Maximal kNN Coherence of Random Matrices,” arxiv DOE CVT, AFOSR. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Aug. 2015.
- Taposh Banerjee, Hamed Firouzi and Alfred O Hero, “Non-parametric Quickest Change Detection for Large Scale Random Matrices,” arxiv In Proc. of IEEE ISIT, Hong Kong, 2015. DOE CVT.
- “Parameter estimation in spherical symmetry groups,” Yu-Hui Chen, Dennis Wei, Gregory Newstadt, Marc DeGraef, Jeffrey Simmons, Alfred Hero, Signal Processing Letters, IEEE 22, no. 8 (August 2015): 1152–55. doi:10.1109/LSP.2014.2387206. (ICASSP 2015).
- “A dictionary approach to the EBSD indexing problem,” Yu-Hui Chen, Se Un Park., Dennis Wei, Gregory Newstadt, Mike Jackson, Jeffrey Simmons, Marc DeGraef, and Alfred Hero, Microsc. MicroAnal. (2015 (in press))
- “Statistical Estimation and Clustering of Group-invariant Orientation Parameters,” Yu-Hui Chen, Dennis Wei, Gregory Newstadt, Marc DeGraef, Jeffrey Simmons, Alfred Hero, International Conference on Information Fusion 2015.
- “Coercive Region-level Registration for Multi-modal Images,” Yu-Hui Chen, Dennis Wei, Gregory Newstadt, Marc DeGraef, Jeffrey Simmons, Alfred Hero, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2015.
- “Socio-Spatial Pareto Frontiers of Twitter Networks,” Oselio, B.; Kulesza, A.; Hero, A., Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, and Prediction 2015
- “Information Extraction from Large Multi-layer Social Networks,” Oselio, B.; Kulesza, A.; Hero, A., IEEEInternational Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2015
- “Learning Latent Variable Gaussian Graphical Models,” Zhaoshi Meng, Brian Eriksson, Alfred O Hero III, arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.2721, 2014
- “Marginal Likelihoods for Distributed Parameter Estimation of Gaussian Graphical Models,” Zhaoshi Meng, Dennis Wei, Ami Wiesel, Alfred Hero, arXiv preprint arXiv:1303.4756
- “Pareto-depth for Multiple-query Image Retrieval,” Ko-Jen Hsiao; Jeff Calder; Alfred Hero, arXiv, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2014
- “Multi-criteria Similarity-Based Anomaly Detection using Pareto Depth Analysis,” Ko-Jen Hsiao; Kevin Xu; Jeff Calder; Alfred Hero, arXiv, to appear in TNNLS, 2014
- “Multi-layer graph analysis for social networks,” Oselio, B.; Kulesza, A.; Hero, A., IEEE Journal of Selected Topics of Signal Processing (2014), Volume 8, Issue 4, 514-523
- “Multi-objective Optimization for Multi-level Networks,” Oselio, B.; Kulesza, A.; Hero, A., Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, and Prediction 2014
- “Kronecker Sum Decompostions of Space-Time Data,” Greenewald, K.; Tsiligkaridis, T.; Hero, A.O., arXiv:1307.7306, to appear in CAMSAP 2013
- “Covariance Estimation in High Dimensions via Kronecker Product Expansions,” Tsiligkaridis, T.; Hero, A.O., arXiv:1302.2686, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2013
- “Ensemble estimators for multivariate entropy estimation”, K. Sricharan, D. Wei and A. Hero, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2013
- “Multi-layer graph analytics for social networks,” Oselio, B.; Kulesza, A.; Hero, A.O., IEEE CAMSAP (2013), 284-287.
- “On Measure Transformed Canonical Correlation Analysis,” K. Todros and A. O. Hero, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2012
- “Hyperspectral image unmixing using a multiresolution sticky HDP,” Mittelman, R.; Dobigeon, N.; Hero, A.O., IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2012
- “Convergence Properties of Kronecker Graphical Lasso Algorithms,” Tsiligkaridis, T.; Hero, A.O.; Zhou, S., arXiv:1204.0585, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2012
- “Ensemble estimators for multivariate entropy estimation”, K. Sricharan and A. Hero, In Proc. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2012
- “Visualizing the temporal evolution of dynamic networks,” K. S. Xu, M. Kliger, and A. O. Hero III, Proc. 9th Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, 2011
- “Order Preserving Factor Analysis,” Tibau-Puig, A.; Wiesel, A.; Zaas, A.K.; Woods, C.W.; Ginsburg, G.S.; Fleury, G.; Hero, A.O., IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2011
- “Temporal Dynamics of Host Molecular Responses Differentiate Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Influenza A Infection,” Y. Huang, A. Zaas, A. Rao, N. Dobigeon, P. Wolfe, T. Veldman, N. Oien, L. Carin, S. Kingsmore, C. Woods, GS. Ginsburg, AO. Hero, PLoS Genetics, 2011
- “Misaligned Principal Component Analysis,” Tibau-Puig, A.; Wiesel, A; R.R. Nadakuditi; Hero, A.O., Asilomar Conference on Signals and Systems, Nov. 2011
- “Efficient anomaly detection using bipartite k-NN graphs”, K. Sricharan and A. Hero, In Proc. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2011.
- “Ensemble intrinsic dimension estimation”, K. Sricharan, R. Raich and A. Hero, Workshop on Defense Applications of Signal Processing, 2011.
- “correlation-screening,” A. O. Hero III and B. Rajaratnam, Journ. of Amer. Statist. Assoc., 06(496): 1540-1552, Dec 2011. ArXiv e-prints, 1102.1204, Feb. 2011
- “Identifying spammers by their resource usage patterns,” K. S. Xu, M. Kliger, A. O. Hero III, Collaboration, Electronic Messaging, Anti-Abuse and Spam Conf. (CEAS), 2010
- “Evolutionary spectral clustering with adaptive forgetting factor,” K. S. Xu, M. Kliger, and A. O. Hero III, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2010
- “Dimensionality reduction on statistical manifolds,” Kevin M. Carter, Ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan, January 2009
- “Sparse image reconstruction for molecular imaging,” M. Ting, R. Raich and A.O. Hero, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1215-1227, June 2009
- “Spherical laplacian information maps (SLIM) for dimensionality reduction,” Kevin M. Carter, Raviv Raich, and Alfred O. Hero III, in Proc. of 2009 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing. Sept, 2009
- “Global performance prediction for divergence-based image registration criteria,” Kumar Sricharan, Raviv Raich, and Alfred O. Hero III, in IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSAP), Cardiff, UK. Sept. 2009
- “Shrinkage estimation of high dimensional covariance matrices,” Y. Chen, A. Wiesel and A. O. Hero, in IEEE Intl Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Processing, Taiwan, Mar 2009
- “Sparse LMS for system identification,” Yilun Chen, Yuantao Gu, and Alfred O. Hero III, in IEEE Intl Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Processing, Taiwan, Mar 2009
- “Revealing social networks of spammers through spectral clustering,” K. S. Xu, M. Kliger, Y. Chen, P. J. Woolf, A. O. Hero III, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Communications, 2009
- “FINE: Information embedding for document classification,” Kevin M. Carter, Raviv Raich, and Alfred O. Hero III, Proc. of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Las Vegas, NV., March 2008
- “Variance reduction with neighborhood smoothing for local intrinsic dimension estimation,” Kevin M. Carter and Alfred O. Hero III, in Proc. of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Las Vegas, NV., March 2008
- “Learning on statistical manifolds for clustering and visualization,” Kevin M. Carter, Raviv Raich, and Alfred O. Hero III, in Proc. of 45th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Sept. 2007
- “Debiasing for intrinsic dimension estimation,” Kevin M. Carter, Raviv Raich, and Alfred O. Hero III, in Proc. IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), August 2007, pp. 601-605