Current (last 5 years) Collaborators on publications and research grants
- Frank Bogun, Dept Cardiology, Univ of Michigan.
- Jose Bermudez, Univ Santa Catarina, Brazil.
- Larry Carin, ECE, Duke University
- Doug Cochran, Dept ECE Arizona State Univ
- Pierre Comon, INPG, University of Grenoble
- Marc de Graef, CMU
- Steve Damelin, Mathematics Reviews, Ann Arbor
- Veronique Delouille, Royal Observatory of Belgium
- Nicolas Dobigeon, Univ of Toulouse, France.
- Yonina Eldar, Technion, Israel.
- Emre Ertin, ECE Ohio State University
- Selim Esedolglu, Mathematics, Univ. Michigan
- William Finn, Dept of Pathology, Univ of Michigan.
- Gilles Fleury, Ecole Superieure d’Electricite, Gif-s-Yvette, France.
- John Fisher, CSAIL, MIT
- Geoffrey Ginsburg, Center for Genomic Medicine, Duke University.
- Yuantao Gu, Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University
- Jay Hess, Dept. Dept Pathology, Univ of Michigan.
- Franz Hlawatch, Technical Univ of Vienna.
- Jon How, Aerospace, MIT
- Michael Jordan, UC Berkeley
- Joseph Lucas, Duke University
- Olivier Michel, INPG, Univ Grenoble
- Steve McLaughlin, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
- Chuck Meyer, Dept Radiology, Univ of Michigan.
- Raj Rao Nadakuditi, EECS, University of Michigan
- Nasser Nasrabadi, ARL
- Pablo Piantanida, Supelec, Paris
- Bala Rajaratnam, Dept Statistics, Stanford Univ.
- Leonardo Rey Vega, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Cedric Richard, Univeristy of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France
- Dan Rugar, IBM Almaden.
- Silvio Savarese, Dept CS, Stanford.
- Brian Sadler, ARL
- Clay Scott, Dept EECS, Univ of Michigan.
- John Sidles, Dept BME, Univ of Washington.
- Jeff Simmons, AFRL
- Stefano Soatto, UCLA
- Jean-Yves Tourneret, Univ of Toulouse, France.
- Alan Willsky LIDS, MIT.
- Christopher Woods, Medical School, Duke University
- Angela Yu, UC San Diego
- Bin Yu, UC Berkeley
- Aimee Zaas, Medical School, Duke University
- Ed Zelnio, AFRL
Past (more than 5 years ago) collaborators on publications and research grants
- Dan Bliss, MIT Lincoln Laboratory.
- Joachim Bohme, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum
- Paul Carson, Dept Radiology, Univ of Michigan.
- David Castanon, Dept ECE Boston University.
- Clem Karl, Dept ECE Boston University.
- Neal Clinthorne, Dept Radiology Univ of Michigan.
- Neiyer Correal, Motorola
- David Donoho, Statistics, Stanford
- Pierre Duhamel, CNRS, France.
- Douglas Engel, Dept Cell and Developmental Biology, Univ of Michigan.
- Jeffrey Fessler, Dept EECS Univ of Michigan.
- Rajiva Goyal, Internal Medicine F D M Plc, formerly at University Hospital at Univ Michigan.
- Simon Haykin, Mcmaster University
- Keith Kastella, SRI
- Spyros Kyperountas, Motorola
- Sridhar Lakshmanan, Dept ECE, Univ. of Michigan – Dearborn
- Stephane Mallat, Ecole Polytechnique, France
- Tom Marzetta, Lucent Bell Laboratories -Murray Hill.
- Christoph Mecklenbrauker, Telecommunicaions Research Center, Vienna
- Eric Miller, Tufts.
- Eric Moulines, Telecom Paris-Tech, Paris
- Rob Nowak, ECE University of Wisconsin
- Mila Nikolova, Dept Mathematics, Ecole Normal Superieure, Cachan France.
- Mike Rabat, McGill University
- Les Rogers, Nuclear Medicine Univ of Michigan.
- Harry Schmitt, Raytheon Inc.
- Stuart Schwartz, Princeton University
- Wayne Stark, EECS Univ of Michigan.
- David States, Dept Human Genetics, Univ of Michigan.
- Gil Strang, Mathematics, MIT
- Anand Swaroop, National Institutes of Health.
- Christophe Vignat, Univ. of Paris XI, France.
- Bill Williams, EECS Univ of Michigan.
- Bin Yu, UC Berkeley