Hero Group
Current Students and Postdoctoral Researchers
- Minoh Jeong (minohj@umich.edu) (Postdoc)
- Jamila Taaki (tjamila@umich.edu) (Postdoc – MIDAS Schmidt Fellow)
- Conrad Hougen (chougen@umich.edu) (EECS PhD)
- Oliver Knitter (knitter@umich.edu) (AIM PhD) (co-advisor Shravan Veerapaneni)
- Robert Malinas (malinas@umich.edu) (EECS PHD)
- Zeyu Sun (zeyusun@umich.edu) (EECS PHD)
- Weijia Fang (CS MS)
- Xavier Lee (Biostatistics MS)
- Qingying Li (Statistics and Data Science MS)
- Zhenyu Wang (Data Science BS)
Former Group Members
Past Post-Doctoral Fellows
- Dogyoon Song (2022-2024), Asst Prof, Dept Statistics, UC Davis, CA
- Mehmet Aktukmat, (2021-2022), Research Staff, Intel Santa Clara CA
- Ren Wang, (2020-2022), Asst Prof, Dept ECE, Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago IL
- Elyas Sabeti, (2019-2021), Research Staff, General Motors AI Labs Austin TX
- Mayank Baranwal, (2018-2020), TCS Research, and Adj Prof, IIT Bombay India
- Rohit Gupta, (2019-2020), Asst Prof, Dept Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay India
- Lin Zhou, (2018-2020), Asst Prof, Beihang University, Beijing China
- Salimeh Yasaei Sekeh, (2016-2019), Assoc Prof, Dept CS, San Diego State University, CA (was Asst. Prof of CS at the University of Maine, Orono ME)
- Abram Magner, (2018-2019), Asst Prof, Dept CS, State University of New York at Albany NY
- Farshad Harirchi, (2017-2018), Research Staff, Scientific Research Laboratory Ford Inc Dearborn Michigan
- Hye Won Chung, (2014-2017), Asst. Prof, KAIST Seoul South Korea
- (Easton) Li Xu, (2017-2018), Asst Prof, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China
- Sijia Liu, (2016-2017), Asst Prof, Michigan State University East Lansing MI
- Yasin Yilmaz, (2014-2016), Asst Prof, University of South Florida Tampa FL
- Taposh Banerjee, (2014-2015), Asst Prof, Univ Pittsburgh Pittsburgh PA
- Jie Chen, (2014-2015), Prof, Northwestern Polytechnic University Xian China
- Goran Marjanovic, (2013-2014), Research Scientist, Univ South Wales Sydney Australia
- Alex Kulesza, (2012-2014), Research Scientist, Google Alphabet New York NY
- Dennis Wei, (2011-2013), Research Scientist, IBM Watson Research Yorktown Heights NY
- Koby Todros, (2010-2012), Prof, Ben Gurion Univ Israel
- Francesca Bassi, (2011-2012), Research Scientist, ENST Paris France
- Roni Mittelman, (2010-2011), Senior Applied Scientist, AI and Research Group Microsoft Sunnyvale CA
- Xu Chen, (2010-2011), Research Engineer, Sharp Labs of America Santa Anna CA
- Ami Wiesel, (2007-2009), Prof, Hebrew University Jerusalem Israel
- Nicolas Dobigeon, (2007), Prof, ENSEEIHT Toulouse France
- Mark Kliger, (2006-2007), CTO, Medasense Biometrics, Ltd Tel Aviv Israel
- Raviv Raich, (2004-2007), Assoc Professor, Oregon State University Corvalis OR
- Pei-Jung Chung, (2004), Lecturer, University of Edinburgh Edinburgh UK
- Cyrille Hory, (2003-2004), Research Staff, INRETS Paris France
- Christophe Vignat, (2000-2001), Prof, Univ. of Paris XI Paris France
- Stephane Chretien, (1995-1998), Prof, University of Lyon, France
- Olivier Michel, (1993-1994), Prof, INP Grenoble, France
Former PhD Students
- Haonan Zhu, Postdoctoral researcher, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore CA. Thesis title: Models and Inference for Complex Data with Applications in Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Microbial Systems, (.pdf), Sept 2023. Dept of EECS.
- Neophytos Charalambides, Postdoctoral Fellow, Univ of California San Diego, La Jolla CA. Thesis title: Coding Theory and Sketching for Distributed Optimization, (.pdf), Aug 2023. Dept of EECS.
- Yu (Wayne) Wang , Research Scientist, Google Alphabet Mountainview CA, Thesis title: Interpretable and Scalable Graphical Models for Complex Spatio-temporal Processes (co-chair Yang Wang), (.pdf), Dept of Statistics, July 2022
- Byoungwook Jang, Research Scientist, Facebook Meta Labs NYC, Thesis title: Probabilistic Decomposition in Machine Learning Problems, (.pdf), Dept of Statistics, April 2022
- Yaya Zhai, Research Scientist, Vivosense Inc, Thesis title: Digital Biomarker Models for Prediction of Infectious Disease Susceptibility, (.pdf), Dept of Computation Medicine and Bioinformatics, Aug 2021.
- Yun Wei, Post-doc, Duke and SAMSI, Thesis title: Theoretical Foundations for Clustering and Screening Heterogeneous and High dimensional Data (co-chair Long Nguyen), (.pdf), Dept of Mathematics (AIM), Jan. 2020
- Morteza Noshad, Post-doc, Stanford University, Thesis title: Estimation of Information Measures and Applications in Machine Learning, (.pdf), Dept of EECS, Jan. 2020
- Joel LeBlanc, Deputy Director, Michigan Tech Research Institute Ann Arbor MI, Thesis title: Optical Systems Identification for Passive Electro-Optical Imaging, (.pdf), Dept of EECS, Jan. 2020.
- Brandon Oselio, Google Alphabet Mountain View, Thesis title: Models and Inference with Network Structure, (.pdf), Dept of EECS, June 2019
- Elizabeth Hou, Research Staff, STR Boston MA, Thesis title: Anomaly Detection and Sequential Filtering with Partial Observations, (.pdf), Dept. of EECS, Jan. 2020
- Tianpei Xie, Applied Scientist, Amazon Seattle WA, Thesis title: Robust Learning from Multiple Information Sources, (.pdf), Dept of EECS, May 2017
- Kristjan Greenewald, Research Staff, IBM AI Lab Cambridge MA, Thesis title: High dimensional covariance estimation for spatio-temporal processes, (.pdf), Dept of EECS, Jan. 2017
- Pin-Yu Chen , Research Staff, IBM Watson Research Yorktown Heights NY, Thesis title: Analysis and actions on graph data, (.pdf), Dept of EECS, Sept. 2016
- Kevin Moon, Asst Professor, Utah State University, Thesis title: Nonparametric Estimation of Distributional Functionals and Applications, (.pdf), Dept of EECS, Aug. 2016
- Yu-Hui Chen, Software Engineer, Google Alphabet Mountain View CA, Thesis title: Multimodal Image Fusion and Its Applications, (.pdf), Dept of EECS, Nov. 2015
- Dae-Yon Jung, Research Scientist, Korean manpower establishment Seoul South Korea, Thesis title: Feature Selection and Non-Euclidean Dimensionality Reduction: Application to Electrocardiology, (.pdf), Dept of EECS, June 2015
- Hamed Firouzi, Vice President, Goldman Sachs New York NY, Thesis title: High Dimensional Correlation Networks and Their Applications, (.pdf), Dept of EECS, Feb. 2015
- Zhaoshi Meng, Senior researcher, Vicarious Inc San Francisco CA, Thesis title: Distributed learning prediction and detection in probabilistic graphs, (.pdf), Dept of EECS, Aug. 2014.
- Jeffrey Calder, Assoc Prof, University of Minnesota St Paul MN, Thesis title: Hamilton-Jacobi equations for sorting and percolation problems (Co-chair Selim Esedoglu), (.pdf), Dept. Mathematics (AIM), Apr. 2014
- Ko-Jen (Mark) Hsiao, Senior research scientist, Netflix Inc, Thesis title: Combining Disparate Information for Machine Learning, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Apr. 2014
- Ted Tsiligkaridis, Technical Staff, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Lexington MA, Thesis title: High Dimensional Separable Representations for Statistical Estimation and Controlled Sensing, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Dec. 2013.
- Se-Un Park, Research staff, Schlumberger Research Cambridge MA, Thesis title: Reconstruction; Classification; and Segmentation for Computational Microscopy, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Aug. 2013
- Paul Shearer, Data scientist, MassMutual Financial Group Boston MA, Thesis title: Separable inverse problems; blind deconvolution; and stray light correction for extreme ultraviolet solar images (Co-chairs Anna Gilbert and Rich Frazin), (.pdf), Dept Mathematics (AIM), May 2T013
- Greg Newstadt, Software Engineer, Google Alphabet Pittsburgh PA, Thesis title: Adaptive sensing techniques for dynamic target tracking and detection with applications to synthetic aperture radars, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Jan 2013
- Tzu-Yu Liu, senior machine learning scientist, Freenome San Francisco CA, Thesis title: Statistical Learning for Sample-Limited High-dimensional Problems with Application to Biomedical Data (Co-chair Clayton Scott), (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Jan 2013
- Sung Jin Hwang, Software Engineer, Google Alphabet Mountain View CA, Thesis title: Geometric representation of high dimensional data (Co-chair Steven Damelin), (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, Oct 2012
- Kevin Xu, Asst Prof, Case Western University Cleveland OH, Thesis title: Computational methods for learning and inference on dynamic networks, (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, May 2012
- Kumar Sricharan, Principal Data Scientist, Intuit Mountain View CA, Thesis title: Neighborhood graphs for estimation of density functionals, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, April 2012
- Arnau Tibau Puig, Director of Data Science, LetsGo Barcelona Spain, Thesis title: Learning from high-dimensional multivariate signals, (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, Jan 2012
- Yilun Chen, Vice President Engineering, Join Intelligent Solution Shanghai China, Thesis title: Regularized Estimation of High-dimensional Covariance Matrices, (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, March 2011
- Yongsheng Huang, Software Engineer, DataBricks Boston MA, Thesis title: Integrative Statistical Learning and Applications in Predicting Features of Diseases and Health (Co-chair Jay Hess), (.pdf), Dept of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, Jan 2011
- Patrick Harrington, Head of Machine Learning and Risk, Square Inc Boulder CO, Thesis title: Inverse problems in high dimensional stochastic systems under uncertainty, (.pdf) , Dept of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, Aug. 2010
- Kevin Carter, Principal Program Manager Lead, Microsoft CA, Thesis title: Dimensionality Reduction on Statistical Manifolds, (.pdf) , Dept. of EECS, Dec. 2008.
- Arvind Rao, Prof, Dept. of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics University of Michigan Ann Arbor MI, Thesis title: Prospective identification of long-range transcriptional regulatory regions via integrative genomics (co-chairs Doug Engel and David States), (.pdf), Dept. of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics and Dept. of EECS, July 2008
- Eran Bashan, Executive Director, Hygiea Inc Ann Arbor MI, Thesis title: Efficient resource allocation schemes for search, (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, May 2008
- Jay Marble , Senior EW Engineer, URS Federal Services Bloomington IN, Thesis title: Advances in surface penetrating technologies for imaging detection and classification, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Dec. 2007
- Raghuram Rangarajan, Principal Engineer, Mimosa Networks San Jose CA, Thesis title: Resource constrained adaptive sensing, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Aug 2006
- Derek Justice, Research Staff, SAS Institute Inc Raleigh NC, Thesis title: Inference methods for message endpoint localization in networks, (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, Aug. 2006
- Dongxiao Zhu, Prof, Wayne State University Detroit MI, Thesis title: Reconstructing Signaling Pathways from High Throughput Data, (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, May 2006
- Doron Blatt, CEO, DRW Trading Group Israel, Thesis title: Performance Evaluation and Optimization for Inference Systems: Model Uncertainty Distributed Implementation and Active Sensing, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, May 2006
- Michael Ting, Software engineer, Criteo Paris France, Thesis title: Signal Processing for Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy, (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, May 2006
- Neal Patwari, Prof, Washington University St Louis MO, Thesis title: Location estimation in sensor networks, (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, Sept. 2005
- Jose Costa, Quantitative Analyst, Teza Technologies Chicago, Thesis title: Random graphs for structure discovery in high dimensional data , (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Aug. 2005
- Chris Kreucher, Senior Systems Engineer, Integrity Applications Incorporated Ann Arbor MI, Thesis title: An information-based approach to sensor resource allocation, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Feb. 2005
- Clyde Shih, Senior Machine Learning Scientist, Apple Inc Cupertino CA, Thesis title: Unicast Internet Tomography , (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Jan. 2005
- Huzefa Neemuchwala, Senior Director for Data and Digital Solutions, Medtronic, Thesis title: Entropic graphs for image registration , (.pdf) , Dept. Biomedical Engineering, Jan. 2005
- Tom Kragh, Senior Principal Research Engineer, BAE Systems Inc NH, Thesis title: Tradeoffs and limitations in statistically based image reconstruction problems, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Sept. 2002
- Jia Li, Professor, Oakland University Oakland MI, Thesis title: Three dimensional shape modeling: segmentation reconstruction and registration , (.pdf), Dept. Biomedical Engineering, Jan. 2002
- Mahesh Godavarti, Chief Scientist, Ditech Networks, Thesis title : Antenna arrays in wireless communications, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, July 2001
- Riten (Robby) Gupta, Research Staff, TRW Inc Los Angeles, Thesis title: Quantization Strategies for Low-Power Communications, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, May 2001
- Hyungsoo Kim, Research Engineer, Samsung Electronics Seoul Korea, Thesis title: Adaptive target detection in radar imaging, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Jan. 2001
- Bing Ma , Prof, University of Nevada Las Vegas NV, Thesis Title: `Parametric and non-parametric approaches for multisensor data fusion, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Jan. 2001
- Robinson Piramuthu , Principal Research Scientist and Director of Computer Vision, eBay Research Labs San Jose CA, Thesis title: Robust fusion of MRI and ECT data and acceleration of EM algorithm using proximal point approach , , Dept. of EECS, May 2000
- Anne Sauve , Lead Data Scientist at Cisco, Thesis title: System modeling sampling, interpolation and iterative reconstruction for the 3D Compton camera, , Dept. of EECS, Jan. 2000
- Steven Titus, CTO, BIS Global Raleigh NC, Thesis title: Improved penalized likelihood image reconstruction of anatomically correlated emission computed tomography data (co-chair Jeffrey Fessler), , Dept. EECS, Oct. 1996
- Ilan Sharfer, Senior Algorithms Engineer, ECI Telecom Israel, Thesis title: Recursive algorithms for digital communications using the discrete wavelet transform, , Dept. EECS, Oct. 1996
- Mohammad Usman, Vice President of Engineering, Masimo Corporation Irvine CA, Thesis title: Biased and unbiased Cramer-Rao bounds: computational issues and applications, (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, Aug. 1994
- Ron Delap, Dean, School of Engineering at Spring Arbor University Spring Arbor MI, Thesis title: ADEPT: Task Specific Adaptive Beamforming , , Dept. EECS, May 1994
- Nick Antoniadis, Prof, Computer Engineering TEI Epirus Greece, Thesis title: Time Delay Estimation for Inhomogeneous Poisson Processes in the Presence of Gaussian Noise, , Dept. EECS, Oct. 1992
- Bulent Baygun, Market Strategist and Quantitative Researcher, Laurion Capital New York NY, Thesis title: Optimal Strategies and Tradeoffs for Joint Detection and Estimation, , Dept. EECS, Oct. 1992.
- Nick Petrick, Deputy Director of the Division of Imaging and Applied Math, US Food & Drug Administration (FDA), Thesis title: Optimal Arrival Time Estimators for Electromagnetic Radiation Detectors, , Dept. EECS, July 1992.
- John Gorman, President, JD Gorman Associates, Thesis title: Error Bounds in Constrained Estimation, , Dept. EECS, June 1991
- Ling Shao, Director of Imaging Physics, Philips Healthcare CA, Thesis title: Mutual Information Optimization and Evaluation of Single Photon Computed Tomography , , Bioengineering Program, Oct. 1989
- Joong K. Kim, Prof, Sung Kyun Kwan University Korea, Thesis title: Time Delay Estimation with Nuisance Parameters: Performance Approximation and Coarse Acquisition, , Dept. EECS, Oct. 1989
Former Master’s Students
- Sehong Oh (EECS MS). Korean Army. Thesis title: Universal Anomaly Detection and Applications, (.pdf), Apr 2023.
- Tianqi Chen, PhD student UT Austin (Statistics MS)
- Tianci Liu, PhD Student Purdue (Statistics MS)
- Emily Wittrup (Data Science MS)
- Eric Shumaker (EECS MS), Research Staff, Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, (EECS MS)
- Audelia Wittbrodt (Applied Physics MS)
- Alfredo Bravo (EECS MS)
- Tony Van (Statistics MS)
- Jimmy Li (Math/EECS MS)
- Christine Kim (EECS G) poppins@umich.edu
- Kyle Herrity Applications Engineer at Freescale Semiconductor (EECS G) kherrity@umich.edu
- Xing Zhou (EECS G). Engineer at Northrup-Grumman, LA. xing.zhou.54 at gmail.com
- Nitin Nayer (EECS G) nnayar@umich.edu
- Yuezhou Jing (Statistics G)
- Sakina Zabuawala (EECS G) sakina@umich.edu
- Megan Flynn (EECS G) flynnm@umich.edu
- Sebastien Cerbourg (Financial Engineering G) Sebastien.Cerbourg at free.fr
- Arpit Almal (EECS G) aalmal@umich.edu
- Kashif Israr Siddiqui (EECS MS) VoIP independent consultant (kashif@eecs.umich.edu)
- Chunyu (Frank) Yip (EECS MS) chunyuy@umich.edu
- Krish Subramanian (EECS G) ksubramz@umich.edu
- Baptiste Poupard (EECS G). Single Stock Volatility Trader, Head of Asia Flow at Societe Generale, Hong Kong (baptiste.poupard at polytechnique.org).
- Matthieu Colet (EECS G). Consultant at MUREX, Paris France.
- Ram Kakarala, (EECS MS) Associate Professor at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. (RAMAKRISHNA at ntu.edu.sg).
- Adrian Yap (EECS MS), Hughes, Germantown MD ayap at hns.com.
- Agissilaos Ziotopoulos (EECS MS) (aziot@engin.umich.edu)
Former Bachelor’s Students
- Phillip Yao UG ECE.
- Benoit DuFumier (Stagiare), Now PhD student at Neurospin, Saclay France
- Laurent Guillaume (Stagiare) laurent.guillaume at supelec.fr
- Adam Pocholsky (UG-UROP) apachols@umich.edu
- Liyan Huang (UG-UROP) liyanh@engin.umich.edu
- Smita Krishnaswamy (UG-UROP) smita@engin.umich.edu
- Alina Chu (UG-UROP) achu@engin.umich.edu
- Hafez Hadinejad (TH-Darmstadt) hafez@ient.rwth-aachen.de
- Richard Cheung (UM) rcheung@engin.umich.edu
- Christophe Guillouet (ECN) Christophe.Guillouet@supaero.fr
Other Students
- Jindan Yu , Professor in Dept of Urology and Dept of Genetics, Emory University. PhD Thesis (.pdf) : Transcript profiling of the cone-only Nrl-knockout retina using custom cDNA-microarrays: identification of novel targets of Nrl and of signaling pathways involved photoreceptor function , Dept. BME, Jan. 2004,
- Jeffrey O’Neill, PhD Dept EECS, Univ of Michigan.
- Anne-Emanuelle Badel , PhD at Ecole Normale Superieure Lyon, France
- Yong Zhang, PhD in BME at Univ of Michigan. Presently at KLA-TENCOR.
Recent Collaborators
Michigan: (Name Affiliation Date)
Laura Balzano, Dept EECS-ECE; (current)
Yang Chen, Dept Statistics; (2022)
Walter Dempsey, Dept Biostatistics; (2022)
Tamas Gombosi Dept. CLaSP; (2023)
Nicholas Kotov, Dept Materials Science; (2022)
Scott Van Eps, Dept BME; (2022)
Hessam Madhavifar, Dept EECS-ECE; (current)
Raj Nadakuditi, Dept EECS-ECE; (2022)
Indika Rajapakse, Dept Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics; (2022)
Peter Song, Dept Biostatstics; (2022)
Angela Violi, Dept Mechanical Engineering; (current)
External: (Name Affiliation Date)
Altman, Yoan Herriot Watt University, UK; (2019)
Bobra, Monica Stanford University; (2022)
Bresler, Yoram UIUC; (2022)
Carin, Lawrence Duke; (2013)
Coleman, Todd Stanford; (2022)
Davies, Mike Univ Edinburgh, UK; (current)
DiFulvio, Angela UIUC; (2019)
Doraiswamy, Murali Duke; (2022)
Eldar, Yonina Wiessman Institute, Israel; (2019)
Erikson, Anna Georgia Tech; (current)
Fisher, John MIT; (current)
Ginsburg, Geoffrey NIH; (2022)
Handelsman, Jo Univ Wisconsin; (current)
How, Jon MIT; (current)
Kar, Soumya CMU; (2023)
Kiyavash, Negar EPFL; (2018)
Lawrence, Earl Los Alamos National Laboratory; (2021)
Sijia Liu, Michigan State University; (current)
McLaughlin, Steve Herriot Watt University, UK; (current)
Mitra, Ubli USC; (current)
Moura, Jose CMU (2023)
Nowak, Rob Wisconsin; (current)
Parker, Joe CalTech; (current)
Pazdernik, Karl Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and NCSU; (current)
Pilanci, Mert Stanford; (current)
Poor, Vincent Princeton; (2023)
Couillet, Romain Univ Grenoble, France; (2019)
Raich, Raviv Oregon State University; (current)
Raginsky, Max UIUC; (2022)
Rajaratnam, Bala UC Davis; (2022)
Robinson, Ben Air Force Research Laboratory; (current)
Sadler, Brian Army Research Laboratory; (current)
Savarese, Silvio Stanford; (2018)
Smale, Steve UC Berkeley; (2018)
Stokes, Adam Univ Edinburgh, UK; (2018)
Tarokh, Vahid Duke; (2022)
Thelen, Brian Michigan Tech Research Institute; (2020)
Turner, Ron University of Virginia; (2022)
Varshney, Pramod Univ of Syracuse; (2020)
Venturelli,Ophelia Univ Wisconsin; (current)
Vinayak, Rashmi CMU; (2023)
Woods, Christopher Duke; (2022)
Wu, Jaijun Stanford University; (2022)
Bowei Xi Purdue; (2023)
Zheng, Lizong MIT; (2018)
Zhou, Shuheng UC Riverside; (2019)
Past Collaborators (>3 years)
Dan Bliss, Arizona State University; Joachim Bohme, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum; Frank Bogun, Dept Cardiology, Univ of Michigan; Paul Carson, Dept Radiology, Univ of Michigan; David Castanon, Dept ECE Boston University; Clem Karl, Dept ECE Boston University; Neal Clinthorne, Dept Radiology Univ of Michigan; Neiyer Correal, Motorola; Steve Damelin, Univ of Michigan; David Donoho, Statistics, Stanford; Pierre Duhamel, CNRS, France; Douglas Engel, Dept Cell and Developmental Biology, Univ of Michigan; Selim Esedoglu, Dept Mathematics Univ of Michigan; .Jeffrey Fessler, Dept EECS Univ of Michigan; Rajiva Goyal, Internal Medicine F D M Plc; formerly at University Hospital at Univ Michigan; Simon Haykin, Mcmaster University; Michael Jordan, UC Berkeley; Keith Kastella, SRI; Spyros Kyperountas, Motorola; Sridhar Lakshmanan, Dept ECE, Univ. of Michigan – Dearborn; Stephane Mallat, Ecole Polytechnique, France; Tom Marzetta, Lucent Bell Laboratories -Murray Hill; Christoph Mecklenbrauker, Telecommunicaions Research Center, Vienna; Eric Miller, Tufts; Eric Moulines, Telecom Paris-Tech, Paris; Rob Nowak, ECE University of Wisconsin; Mila Nikolova, Dept Mathematics, Ecole Normal Superieure, Cachan France; Mike Rabat, McGill University; Les Rogers, Nuclear Medicine Univ of Michigan; Harry Schmitt, Raytheon Inc.; Stuart Schwartz, Princeton University (Doctoral Thesis Advisor); Stefano Soatto, UCLA; Wayne Stark, EECS Univ of Michigan; David States, Dept Human Genetics, Univ of Michigan; Gil Strang, Mathematics, MIT; Anand Swaroop, National Institutes of Health; Christophe Vignat, Univ. of Paris XI, France; Angela Violi, Mechanical Engineering Univ of Michigan; Bill Williams, EECS Univ of Michigan; Bin Yu, UC Berkeley.