Hero Group

Current Students and Postdoctoral Researchers

  • Minoh Jeong (minohj@umich.edu) (Postdoc)
  • Jamila Taaki (tjamila@umich.edu) (Postdoc – MIDAS Schmidt Fellow)
  • Conrad Hougen (chougen@umich.edu) (EECS PhD)
  • Oliver Knitter (knitter@umich.edu) (AIM PhD) (co-advisor Shravan Veerapaneni)
  • Robert Malinas (malinas@umich.edu) (EECS PHD)
  • Zeyu Sun (zeyusun@umich.edu) (EECS PHD)
  • Weijia Fang (CS MS)
  • Xavier Lee (Biostatistics MS)
  • Qingying Li (Statistics and Data Science MS)
  • Zhenyu Wang (Data Science BS)

Former Group Members

Past Post-Doctoral Fellows

  1. Dogyoon Song (2022-2024), Asst Prof, Dept Statistics, UC Davis, CA
  2. Mehmet Aktukmat, (2021-2022), Research Staff, Intel Santa Clara CA
  3. Ren Wang, (2020-2022), Asst Prof, Dept ECE, Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago IL
  4. Elyas Sabeti, (2019-2021), Research Staff, General Motors AI Labs Austin TX
  5. Mayank Baranwal, (2018-2020), TCS Research, and Adj Prof, IIT Bombay  India
  6. Rohit Gupta, (2019-2020), Asst Prof, Dept Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay India
  7. Lin Zhou, (2018-2020), Asst Prof, Beihang University, Beijing China
  8. Salimeh Yasaei Sekeh, (2016-2019), Assoc Prof, Dept CS, San Diego State University, CA (was Asst. Prof of CS at the University of Maine, Orono ME) 
  9. Abram Magner, (2018-2019), Asst Prof, Dept CS, State University of New York at Albany NY
  10. Farshad Harirchi, (2017-2018), Research Staff, Scientific Research Laboratory Ford Inc Dearborn Michigan
  11. Hye Won Chung, (2014-2017), Asst. Prof, KAIST Seoul South Korea
  12. (Easton) Li Xu, (2017-2018), Asst Prof, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China
  13. Sijia Liu, (2016-2017), Asst Prof, Michigan State University East Lansing MI
  14. Yasin Yilmaz, (2014-2016), Asst Prof, University of South Florida Tampa FL
  15. Taposh Banerjee, (2014-2015), Asst Prof, Univ Pittsburgh Pittsburgh PA
  16. Jie Chen, (2014-2015), Prof, Northwestern Polytechnic University Xian China
  17. Goran Marjanovic, (2013-2014), Research Scientist, Univ South Wales Sydney Australia
  18. Alex Kulesza, (2012-2014), Research Scientist, Google Alphabet New York NY
  19. Dennis Wei, (2011-2013), Research Scientist, IBM Watson Research Yorktown Heights NY
  20. Koby Todros, (2010-2012), Prof, Ben Gurion Univ Israel
  21. Francesca Bassi, (2011-2012), Research Scientist, ENST Paris France
  22. Roni Mittelman, (2010-2011), Senior Applied Scientist, AI and Research Group Microsoft Sunnyvale CA
  23. Xu Chen, (2010-2011), Research Engineer, Sharp Labs of America Santa Anna CA
  24. Ami Wiesel, (2007-2009), Prof, Hebrew University Jerusalem Israel
  25. Nicolas Dobigeon, (2007), Prof, ENSEEIHT Toulouse France
  26. Mark Kliger, (2006-2007), CTO, Medasense Biometrics, Ltd Tel Aviv Israel
  27. Raviv Raich, (2004-2007), Assoc Professor, Oregon State University Corvalis OR
  28. Pei-Jung Chung, (2004), Lecturer, University of Edinburgh Edinburgh UK
  29. Cyrille Hory, (2003-2004), Research Staff, INRETS Paris France
  30. Christophe Vignat, (2000-2001), Prof, Univ. of Paris XI Paris France
  31. Stephane Chretien, (1995-1998), Prof, University of Lyon, France
  32. Olivier Michel, (1993-1994), Prof, INP Grenoble, France

Former PhD Students

  1. Haonan Zhu, Postdoctoral researcher, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore CA. Thesis title: Models and Inference for Complex Data with Applications in Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Microbial Systems, (.pdf), Sept 2023. Dept of EECS.
  2. Neophytos Charalambides, Postdoctoral Fellow, Univ of California San Diego, La Jolla CA. Thesis title: Coding Theory and Sketching for Distributed Optimization, (.pdf), Aug 2023. Dept of EECS.
  3. Yu (Wayne) Wang , Research Scientist, Google Alphabet Mountainview CA, Thesis title: Interpretable and Scalable Graphical Models for Complex Spatio-temporal Processes (co-chair Yang Wang), (.pdf), Dept of Statistics, July 2022
  4. Byoungwook Jang, Research Scientist, Facebook Meta Labs NYC, Thesis title: Probabilistic Decomposition in Machine Learning Problems, (.pdf), Dept of Statistics, April 2022
  5. Yaya Zhai, Research Scientist, Vivosense Inc, Thesis title: Digital Biomarker Models for Prediction of Infectious Disease Susceptibility, (.pdf), Dept of Computation Medicine and Bioinformatics, Aug 2021.
  6. Yun Wei, Post-doc, Duke and SAMSI, Thesis title: Theoretical Foundations for Clustering and Screening Heterogeneous and High dimensional Data (co-chair Long Nguyen),  (.pdf), Dept of Mathematics (AIM), Jan. 2020
  7. Morteza Noshad, Post-doc, Stanford University, Thesis title: Estimation of Information Measures and Applications in Machine Learning, (.pdf), Dept of EECS, Jan. 2020
  8. Joel LeBlanc, Deputy Director, Michigan Tech Research Institute Ann Arbor MI, Thesis title: Optical Systems Identification for Passive Electro-Optical Imaging, (.pdf), Dept of EECS, Jan. 2020.
  9. Brandon Oselio, Google Alphabet Mountain View, Thesis title: Models and Inference with Network Structure, (.pdf), Dept of EECS, June 2019
  10. Elizabeth Hou, Research Staff, STR Boston MA, Thesis title:  Anomaly Detection and Sequential Filtering with Partial Observations, (.pdf),  Dept. of EECS, Jan. 2020
  11. Tianpei Xie, Applied Scientist, Amazon Seattle WA, Thesis title: Robust Learning from Multiple Information Sources(.pdf), Dept of EECS, May 2017
  12. Kristjan Greenewald, Research Staff, IBM AI Lab Cambridge MA, Thesis title: High dimensional covariance estimation for spatio-temporal processes(.pdf), Dept of EECS, Jan. 2017
  13. Pin-Yu Chen , Research Staff, IBM Watson Research Yorktown Heights NY, Thesis title: Analysis and actions on graph data(.pdf), Dept of EECS, Sept. 2016
  14. Kevin Moon, Asst Professor, Utah State University, Thesis title: Nonparametric Estimation of Distributional Functionals and Applications(.pdf), Dept of EECS, Aug. 2016
  15. Yu-Hui Chen, Software Engineer, Google Alphabet Mountain View CA, Thesis title: Multimodal Image Fusion and Its Applications(.pdf), Dept of EECS, Nov. 2015
  16. Dae-Yon Jung, Research Scientist, Korean manpower establishment Seoul South Korea, Thesis title: Feature Selection and Non-Euclidean Dimensionality Reduction: Application to Electrocardiology(.pdf), Dept of EECS, June 2015
  17. Hamed Firouzi, Vice President, Goldman Sachs New York NY, Thesis title: High Dimensional Correlation Networks and Their Applications(.pdf), Dept of EECS, Feb. 2015
  18. Zhaoshi Meng, Senior researcher, Vicarious Inc San Francisco CA, Thesis title: Distributed learning prediction and detection in probabilistic graphs,  (.pdf), Dept of EECS, Aug. 2014.
  19. Jeffrey Calder, Assoc Prof, University of Minnesota St Paul MN, Thesis title: Hamilton-Jacobi equations for sorting and percolation problems (Co-chair Selim Esedoglu), (.pdf), Dept. Mathematics (AIM), Apr. 2014
  20. Ko-Jen (Mark) Hsiao, Senior research scientist, Netflix Inc, Thesis title: Combining Disparate Information for Machine Learning,  (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Apr. 2014
  21. Ted Tsiligkaridis, Technical Staff, MIT Lincoln Laboratory Lexington MA,  Thesis title: High Dimensional Separable Representations for Statistical Estimation and Controlled Sensing(.pdf), Dept. EECS, Dec. 2013.
  22. Se-Un Park, Research staff, Schlumberger Research Cambridge MA,  Thesis title: Reconstruction; Classification; and Segmentation for Computational Microscopy, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Aug. 2013
  23. Paul Shearer, Data scientist, MassMutual Financial Group Boston MA, Thesis title:  Separable inverse problems; blind deconvolution; and stray light correction for extreme ultraviolet solar images (Co-chairs Anna Gilbert and Rich Frazin), (.pdf), Dept Mathematics (AIM), May 2T013
  24. Greg Newstadt, Software Engineer, Google Alphabet Pittsburgh PA, Thesis title: Adaptive sensing techniques for dynamic target tracking and detection with applications to synthetic aperture radars, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Jan 2013
  25. Tzu-Yu Liu, senior machine learning scientist, Freenome San Francisco CA, Thesis title: Statistical Learning for Sample-Limited High-dimensional Problems with Application to Biomedical Data (Co-chair Clayton Scott), (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Jan 2013
  26. Sung Jin Hwang, Software Engineer, Google Alphabet Mountain View CA, Thesis title: Geometric representation of high dimensional data (Co-chair Steven Damelin), (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, Oct 2012
  27. Kevin Xu, Asst Prof, Case Western University Cleveland OH, Thesis title: Computational methods for learning and inference on dynamic networks, (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, May 2012
  28. Kumar Sricharan, Principal Data Scientist, Intuit Mountain View CA, Thesis title: Neighborhood graphs for estimation of density functionals, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, April 2012
  29. Arnau Tibau Puig, Director of Data Science, LetsGo Barcelona Spain, Thesis title: Learning from high-dimensional multivariate signals, (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, Jan 2012
  30. Yilun Chen, Vice President Engineering, Join Intelligent Solution Shanghai China, Thesis title: Regularized Estimation of High-dimensional Covariance Matrices, (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, March 2011
  31. Yongsheng Huang, Software Engineer, DataBricks Boston MA, Thesis title: Integrative Statistical Learning and Applications in Predicting Features of Diseases and Health (Co-chair Jay Hess), (.pdf), Dept of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, Jan 2011
  32. Patrick Harrington, Head of Machine Learning and Risk, Square Inc Boulder CO, Thesis title: Inverse problems in high dimensional stochastic systems under uncertainty, (.pdf) , Dept of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, Aug. 2010
  33. Kevin Carter, Principal Program Manager Lead, Microsoft CA, Thesis title: Dimensionality Reduction on Statistical Manifolds, (.pdf) , Dept. of EECS, Dec. 2008.
  34. Arvind Rao, Prof, Dept. of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics University of Michigan Ann Arbor MI, Thesis title: Prospective identification of long-range transcriptional regulatory regions via integrative genomics (co-chairs Doug Engel and David States), (.pdf), Dept. of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics and Dept. of EECS, July 2008
  35. Eran Bashan, Executive Director, Hygiea Inc Ann Arbor MI, Thesis title: Efficient resource allocation schemes for search, (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, May 2008
  36. Jay Marble , Senior EW Engineer, URS Federal Services Bloomington IN, Thesis title: Advances in surface penetrating technologies for imaging detection and classification, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Dec. 2007
  37. Raghuram Rangarajan, Principal Engineer, Mimosa Networks San Jose CA, Thesis title: Resource constrained adaptive sensing, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Aug 2006
  38. Derek Justice, Research Staff, SAS Institute Inc Raleigh NC, Thesis title: Inference methods for message endpoint localization in networks, (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, Aug. 2006
  39. Dongxiao Zhu, Prof, Wayne State University Detroit MI, Thesis title: Reconstructing Signaling Pathways from High Throughput Data(.pdf) , Dept. EECS, May 2006
  40. Doron Blatt, CEO, DRW Trading Group Israel, Thesis title: Performance Evaluation and Optimization for Inference Systems: Model Uncertainty Distributed Implementation and Active Sensing(.pdf), Dept. EECS, May 2006
  41. Michael Ting, Software engineer, Criteo Paris France, Thesis title: Signal Processing for Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy, (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, May 2006
  42. Neal Patwari, Prof, Washington University  St Louis MO, Thesis title: Location estimation in sensor networks(.pdf) , Dept. EECS, Sept. 2005
  43. Jose Costa, Quantitative Analyst, Teza Technologies Chicago, Thesis title: Random graphs for structure discovery in high dimensional data ,  (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Aug. 2005
  44. Chris Kreucher, Senior Systems Engineer, Integrity Applications Incorporated Ann Arbor MI, Thesis title: An information-based approach to sensor resource allocation, (.pdf),  Dept. EECS, Feb. 2005
  45. Clyde Shih, Senior Machine Learning Scientist, Apple Inc Cupertino CA, Thesis title: Unicast Internet Tomography , (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Jan. 2005
  46. Huzefa Neemuchwala, Senior Director for Data and Digital Solutions, Medtronic, Thesis title: Entropic graphs for image registration , (.pdf) , Dept. Biomedical Engineering, Jan. 2005
  47. Tom Kragh, Senior Principal Research Engineer, BAE Systems Inc NH, Thesis title:  Tradeoffs and limitations in statistically based image reconstruction problems, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Sept. 2002
  48. Jia Li, Professor, Oakland University Oakland MI, Thesis title: Three dimensional shape modeling: segmentation reconstruction and registration , (.pdf), Dept. Biomedical Engineering, Jan. 2002
  49. Mahesh Godavarti, Chief Scientist, Ditech Networks, Thesis title Antenna arrays in wireless communications, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, July 2001
  50. Riten (Robby) Gupta, Research Staff, TRW Inc Los Angeles, Thesis title: Quantization Strategies for Low-Power Communications,  (.pdf), Dept. EECS, May 2001
  51. Hyungsoo Kim, Research Engineer, Samsung Electronics Seoul Korea, Thesis title: Adaptive target detection in radar imaging, (.pdf), Dept. EECS, Jan. 2001
  52. Bing Ma , Prof, University of Nevada Las Vegas NV, Thesis Title: `Parametric and non-parametric approaches for multisensor data fusion, (.pdf),  Dept. EECS, Jan. 2001
  53. Robinson Piramuthu , Principal Research Scientist and Director of Computer Vision, eBay Research Labs San Jose CA, Thesis title:  Robust fusion of MRI and ECT data and acceleration of EM algorithm using proximal point approach , , Dept. of EECS, May 2000
  54. Anne Sauve , Lead Data Scientist at Cisco, Thesis title: System modeling sampling, interpolation and iterative reconstruction for the 3D Compton camera, , Dept. of EECS, Jan. 2000
  55. Steven Titus, CTO, BIS Global Raleigh NC, Thesis title: Improved penalized likelihood image reconstruction of anatomically correlated emission computed tomography data (co-chair Jeffrey Fessler), , Dept. EECS, Oct. 1996
  56. Ilan Sharfer, Senior Algorithms Engineer, ECI Telecom Israel, Thesis title: Recursive algorithms for digital communications using the discrete wavelet transform, , Dept. EECS, Oct. 1996
  57. Mohammad Usman, Vice President of Engineering, Masimo Corporation Irvine CA, Thesis title: Biased and unbiased Cramer-Rao bounds: computational issues and applications, (.pdf) , Dept. EECS, Aug. 1994
  58. Ron Delap, Dean, School of Engineering at Spring Arbor University Spring Arbor MI, Thesis title: ADEPT: Task Specific Adaptive Beamforming , , Dept. EECS, May 1994
  59. Nick Antoniadis, Prof, Computer Engineering TEI Epirus Greece, Thesis title: Time Delay Estimation for Inhomogeneous Poisson Processes in the Presence of Gaussian Noise, , Dept. EECS, Oct. 1992
  60. Bulent Baygun, Market Strategist and Quantitative Researcher, Laurion Capital New York NY, Thesis title: Optimal Strategies and Tradeoffs for Joint Detection and Estimation, , Dept. EECS, Oct. 1992.
  61. Nick Petrick, Deputy Director of the Division of Imaging and Applied Math, US Food & Drug Administration (FDA), Thesis title: Optimal Arrival Time Estimators for Electromagnetic Radiation Detectors, , Dept. EECS, July 1992.
  62. John Gorman, President, JD Gorman Associates, Thesis title: Error Bounds in Constrained Estimation,  , Dept. EECS, June 1991
  63. Ling Shao, Director of Imaging Physics, Philips Healthcare CA, Thesis title:  Mutual Information Optimization and Evaluation of Single Photon Computed Tomography , , Bioengineering Program, Oct. 1989
  64. Joong K. Kim, Prof, Sung Kyun Kwan University Korea, Thesis title: Time Delay Estimation with Nuisance Parameters: Performance Approximation and Coarse Acquisition, , Dept. EECS, Oct. 1989

Former Master’s Students

  • Sehong Oh (EECS MS). Korean Army. Thesis title: Universal Anomaly Detection and Applications, (.pdf), Apr 2023.
  • Tianqi Chen, PhD student UT Austin (Statistics MS)
  • Tianci Liu, PhD Student Purdue (Statistics MS)
  • Emily Wittrup (Data Science MS)
  • Eric Shumaker (EECS MS), Research Staff, Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, (EECS MS)
  • Audelia Wittbrodt (Applied Physics MS)
  • Alfredo Bravo (EECS MS)
  • Tony Van (Statistics MS)
  • Jimmy Li (Math/EECS MS)
  • Christine Kim (EECS G) poppins@umich.edu
  • Kyle Herrity Applications Engineer at Freescale Semiconductor (EECS G) kherrity@umich.edu
  • Xing Zhou (EECS G). Engineer at Northrup-Grumman, LA. xing.zhou.54 at gmail.com
  • Nitin Nayer (EECS G) nnayar@umich.edu
  • Yuezhou Jing (Statistics G)
  • Sakina Zabuawala (EECS G) sakina@umich.edu
  • Megan Flynn (EECS G) flynnm@umich.edu
  • Sebastien Cerbourg (Financial Engineering G) Sebastien.Cerbourg at free.fr
  • Arpit Almal (EECS G) aalmal@umich.edu
  • Kashif Israr Siddiqui (EECS MS) VoIP independent consultant (kashif@eecs.umich.edu)
  • Chunyu (Frank) Yip (EECS MS) chunyuy@umich.edu
  • Krish Subramanian (EECS G) ksubramz@umich.edu
  • Baptiste Poupard (EECS G). Single Stock Volatility Trader, Head of Asia Flow at Societe Generale, Hong Kong (baptiste.poupard at polytechnique.org).
  • Matthieu Colet (EECS G). Consultant at MUREX, Paris France.
  • Ram Kakarala, (EECS MS) Associate Professor at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. (RAMAKRISHNA at ntu.edu.sg).
  • Adrian Yap (EECS MS), Hughes, Germantown MD ayap at hns.com.
  • Agissilaos Ziotopoulos (EECS MS) (aziot@engin.umich.edu)

Former Bachelor’s Students

  • Phillip Yao UG ECE.
  • Benoit DuFumier (Stagiare), Now PhD student at Neurospin, Saclay France
  • Laurent Guillaume (Stagiare) laurent.guillaume at supelec.fr
  • Adam Pocholsky (UG-UROP) apachols@umich.edu
  • Liyan Huang (UG-UROP) liyanh@engin.umich.edu
  • Smita Krishnaswamy (UG-UROP) smita@engin.umich.edu
  • Alina Chu (UG-UROP) achu@engin.umich.edu
  • Hafez Hadinejad (TH-Darmstadt) hafez@ient.rwth-aachen.de
  • Richard Cheung (UM) rcheung@engin.umich.edu
  • Christophe Guillouet (ECN) Christophe.Guillouet@supaero.fr

Other Students

  • Jindan Yu , Professor in Dept of Urology and Dept of Genetics, Emory University. PhD Thesis (.pdf) Transcript profiling of the cone-only Nrl-knockout retina using custom cDNA-microarrays: identification of novel targets of Nrl and of signaling pathways involved photoreceptor function , Dept. BME, Jan. 2004,
  • Jeffrey O’Neill, PhD Dept EECS, Univ of Michigan.
  • Anne-Emanuelle Badel , PhD at Ecole Normale Superieure Lyon, France
  • Yong Zhang, PhD in BME at Univ of Michigan. Presently at KLA-TENCOR.


Recent Collaborators

Michigan: (Name Affiliation Date)

Laura Balzano, Dept EECS-ECE; (current)

Yang Chen, Dept Statistics; (2022)

Walter Dempsey, Dept Biostatistics; (2022)

Tamas Gombosi Dept. CLaSP; (2023)

Nicholas Kotov, Dept Materials Science; (2022)

Scott Van Eps, Dept BME; (2022)

Hessam Madhavifar, Dept EECS-ECE; (current)

Raj Nadakuditi, Dept EECS-ECE; (2022)

Indika Rajapakse, Dept Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics; (2022)

Peter Song, Dept Biostatstics; (2022)

Angela Violi, Dept Mechanical Engineering; (current)

External: (Name Affiliation Date)

Altman, Yoan     Herriot Watt University, UK; (2019)

Bobra, Monica   Stanford University; (2022)

Bresler, Yoram  UIUC; (2022)

Carin, Lawrence Duke; (2013)

Coleman, Todd  Stanford; (2022)

Davies, Mike      Univ Edinburgh, UK; (current)

DiFulvio, Angela   UIUC; (2019)

Doraiswamy, Murali Duke; (2022)

Eldar, Yonina      Wiessman Institute, Israel; (2019)

Erikson, Anna Georgia Tech; (current)

Fisher, John        MIT; (current)

Ginsburg, Geoffrey          NIH; (2022)

Handelsman, Jo  Univ Wisconsin; (current)

How, Jon MIT; (current)

Kar, Soumya CMU; (2023)

Kiyavash, Negar EPFL; (2018)

Lawrence, Earl   Los Alamos National Laboratory; (2021)

Sijia Liu, Michigan State University; (current)

McLaughlin, Steve           Herriot Watt University, UK; (current)

Mitra, Ubli          USC; (current)

Moura, Jose CMU (2023)

Nowak, Rob        Wisconsin; (current)

Parker, Joe  CalTech; (current)

Pazdernik, Karl  Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and NCSU; (current)

Pilanci, Mert      Stanford; (current)

Poor, Vincent         Princeton; (2023)

Couillet, Romain  Univ Grenoble, France; (2019)

Raich, Raviv Oregon State University; (current)

Raginsky, Max   UIUC; (2022)

Rajaratnam, Bala             UC Davis; (2022)

Robinson, Ben   Air Force Research Laboratory; (current)

Sadler, Brian      Army Research Laboratory; (current)

Savarese, Silvio Stanford; (2018)

Smale, Steve      UC Berkeley; (2018)

Stokes, Adam     Univ Edinburgh, UK; (2018)

Tarokh, Vahid    Duke; (2022)

Thelen, Brian     Michigan Tech Research Institute; (2020)

Turner, Ron University of Virginia; (2022)

Varshney, Pramod           Univ of Syracuse; (2020)

Venturelli,Ophelia           Univ Wisconsin; (current)

Vinayak, Rashmi CMU; (2023)

Woods, Christopher Duke; (2022)

Wu, Jaijun           Stanford University; (2022)

Bowei Xi Purdue; (2023)

Zheng, Lizong    MIT; (2018)

Zhou, Shuheng  UC Riverside; (2019)

Past Collaborators (>3 years)

Dan Bliss, Arizona State University; Joachim Bohme, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum; Frank Bogun, Dept Cardiology, Univ of Michigan; Paul Carson, Dept Radiology, Univ of Michigan; David Castanon, Dept ECE Boston University; Clem Karl, Dept ECE Boston University; Neal Clinthorne, Dept Radiology Univ of Michigan; Neiyer Correal, Motorola; Steve Damelin, Univ of Michigan; David Donoho, Statistics, Stanford; Pierre Duhamel, CNRS, France; Douglas Engel, Dept Cell and Developmental Biology, Univ of Michigan; Selim Esedoglu, Dept Mathematics Univ of Michigan; .Jeffrey Fessler, Dept EECS Univ of Michigan; Rajiva Goyal, Internal Medicine F D M Plc; formerly at University Hospital at Univ Michigan; Simon Haykin, Mcmaster University; Michael Jordan, UC Berkeley; Keith Kastella, SRI; Spyros Kyperountas, Motorola; Sridhar Lakshmanan, Dept ECE, Univ. of Michigan – Dearborn; Stephane Mallat, Ecole Polytechnique, France; Tom Marzetta, Lucent Bell Laboratories -Murray Hill; Christoph Mecklenbrauker, Telecommunicaions Research Center, Vienna; Eric Miller, Tufts; Eric Moulines, Telecom Paris-Tech, Paris; Rob Nowak, ECE University of Wisconsin; Mila Nikolova, Dept Mathematics, Ecole Normal Superieure, Cachan France; Mike Rabat, McGill University; Les Rogers, Nuclear Medicine Univ of Michigan; Harry Schmitt, Raytheon Inc.; Stuart Schwartz, Princeton University (Doctoral Thesis Advisor); Stefano Soatto, UCLA; Wayne Stark, EECS Univ of Michigan; David States, Dept Human Genetics, Univ of Michigan; Gil Strang, Mathematics, MIT; Anand Swaroop, National Institutes of Health; Christophe Vignat, Univ. of Paris XI, France; Angela Violi, Mechanical Engineering Univ of Michigan; Bill Williams, EECS Univ of Michigan; Bin Yu, UC Berkeley.